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Do you have your own recipe database?Yes! We have a database of over 2000 recipes covering both UK and US cuisines.
Can I import my recipes into your platform?We support many different methods to import your recipe content. Here are a few: - If you use WP Recipe Maker, all you need to do is export the recipe into JSON format and we can import that straight into your account - If you have a recipe website, in most cases we can use our AI scraper to import your recipes.
Can I create my own courses on your platform?Yes we support courses! You can create courses comprising rich multimedia content, including images, text, and videos. The courses can be organised into categories and made available to everyone, or structured inline within programs.
How long does it take to publish a mobile app?For new apps created on our platform, we can publish to the app stores within 4 weeks. If you have a lot of content to create, this can extend the launch timeline. The time it takes to do this depends on your requirements and when you think you have enough content. We recommend our clients to go through a structured launch process (which we provide) to maximise app success, including for example beta testing with users. This can also increase timelines, but most clients successfully launch within 3 months.
Can I integrate my app into other platforms?Yes we have a REST API available, and also support Zapier as no code alternative to integrate 3rd party platforms.
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