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Launch your own
branded healthy eating app
Build your own beautiful app
that your members will love
Our no-code app builder lets you theme your app with your own brand, logo and colours front and centre.
Create an app that is uniquely yours.
Use our self service platform to create all your content
Our platform uniquely includes features to you
save time and scale your business, including over 2000 healthy recipes. personalised nutrition, meal planning, food and exercise logging, automated planners and more.
Add your own recipes instantly using AI
Using our AI Food Brain, import your recipes in 1 click and have them analysed and indexed instantly.
Import from the internet, spreadsheets, or create using AI, get full nutrition and allergen information. IT'S MAGICAL!
Or use our own database of over 2,000 recipes
Create an App your users will love
Management highlights
Turnkey platform
Little or no technical effort required
White label for your brand
Customisable to fit your brand mission
Customer Insight Dashboard
Multiple monetization models
Integrated payments
End to end user management
User highlights
Fully reponsive web app and native app
Support for popular or customised diets
Create full meal plans automatically
Create shopping lists with supermarket products
Add lists to online grocery baskets automatically
Multi-device compatibility
Cross platform support
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